ទុភ្លេង (My Daily Food), ក្រោយឆ្នាំ ១៩៩៣ (After 1993)

ទុភ្លេង (My Daily Food)
46 years old, of the Jarai indigenous people, lives in Tang-Se Malu village, Nhang commune, Andong Meas district in Ratanakiri province. She learned how to make potato leaf soup from her parents when she was 12 years old. Normally, this soup is made for family eating and can be for community ceremonies as well, mixed with meat, chicken, pork, and vegetables She does not want young people to forget this traditional Jarai soup, which is a natural food handed down through generations. She’s going to share her knowledge with her children so they can make this soup.

ក្រោយឆ្នាំ ១៩៩៣ (After 1993)
Directed by Vannheng Kim, 12min, 2022, Khmer version with English subtitles
“After 1993,” tells the story of a man who used to be a soldier fighting for the Khmer Rouge. When the last remaining battles of the war are over in the year 1993, Cambodia decreases the number of soldiers – and he is one of the ones getting fired. Now, that he has lost his career, he’s got nothing left.