បឹងឈូក (The Lotus Lake), ដានស្រអាប់ (Dull Trail)

បឹងឈូក (The Lotus Lake)
Directed by Mensocheata MAO, 14min, 2022, Khmer version with English subtitle
Mao Minea is 23 years old. Not only is she five months pregnant, but also has two more children that depend on her. Due to the young woman’s lack of livelihood, she often goes t to pick lotus flowers in the lake. With this Mao Minea can earn a little money to support her family. Despite the hard living and working she has to endure; she hopes that one day she will have a better life.

ដានស្រអាប់ (Dull Trail)
Directed by Raksa Khon, Mono Peou, Rickydavid Choey, 2020, 11mn, Bunong and Khmer version with English subtitles
Blind in one eye and traumatized from years of war and American bombs, Mae Neng the elephant learns to accept the love of her kind caretaker Da Chroed in Mondulkiri province.